Welcome to the Counseling Corner
a month ago
Welcome to the Benson High School Counseling Department as counselors we utilize Comprehensive Competency Based Guidance Lesson, which is focuses on students' academic, social/emotional and career explorations. This requires us to be in the classroom teaching grades 9-12 on a monthly basis. If we are not available, please leave a voicemail or send an email and we will reply to you in a timely manner.
Kristy Reynolds and Olivia Sturgeon |
Olivia Sturgeon 9-12 Academic Advisor/Registrar 520-720-6844 osturgeon@bensonusd.org | Kristy Reynolds, BS 9-12 Counselor 520-720-6846 kreynolds@bensonusd.org |
- Tri-Universities
- Merit Scholarship Program
- UofA Med-Start Program
- ACT Website
- SAT Website
- Cochise Program Videos
- 1-on-1 Video Chat w/ NMSU
- GCU Webinars
- Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication
- Pima Community College
- EAC Online Degrees/Programs
- Arizona Automotive Institute
- How to apply to NAU's Honors College
- The College Tour
- NCAA High School Newsletter
- EAC'S Cosmetology Program
- Midwestern University Degrees & Programs
- NAU Access2Excellence
- Flinn-Scholar Foundation
- Registered Nursing Info
- Arizona Teachers Academy
Hi Class of 2024 Parents/Guardians,
I just wanted to let you know that your Senior can come by the Counseling Office to check the Scholarship cart for any new scholarships, anytime during the school day. Mrs. Reynolds notifies Seniors of new scholarships as she gets them via the Class of 2024 Google Classroom.
Thanks, Olivia
Hello all,
Below are some of the common points of contact for colleges & recruiters:
AZADC Sgt Daniel Orosco (928)-348-3010
ASU - Becky Grijalva (602)-543-1859
BYU Memo Caldera memo@byu.edu
Cochise - Judy Sandstrom, MPA (520) 515-3609
EAC - Chalene Preston (928)-428-8272
GCU - Trapper Bellah (520)-508-9873
NAU - Amy Tellez (928)-523-4606
NMSU - David Cota (520)-368-7113
Pima - Ryan Sermon (520)-235-9403
Prescott College - Kenneth Welch (928)-237-3309
UofA - Amanda Quintana (520)-621-3812
Air Force SSgt Irvin Matthews (520)-631-5367
Air Force Reserve-TSgt Jarrell Hooper (520)-306-6640
Air National Guard - SSgt Eric Durazo (520)-305-6337
Army SSg Lance Ruder (520)-221-8313
Army NG SSgt Jesus Medina (602)-377-5961
Coast Guard YN1 Erin Nance (602)-319-8515
Marines Sgt James Bertsch (520)-465-3178
Navy NCC Micheal Kinder (520)-993-5069
Please let me know if you have a specific college or recruiter in mind so that I can arrange for a meeting, virtual or phone.
Best of Luck,