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Welcome to the Counseling Corner

Welcome to the Benson High School Counseling Department
...where our goal is student success!

We are pleased to provide academic and counseling services to assist you with your high school career and beyond. From class schedules to scholarship information or for support in day to day matters;  in addition

as counselors we utilize Comprehensive Competency Based Guidance Lesson, which is focuses on students' academic, social/emotional and career explorations.  This  requires us to be in the classroom teaching grades 9-12 on a monthly basis. If we are not available, please leave a voicemail or send an email and we will reply to you in a timely manner.

Thank you,

Kristy Reynolds and Olivia Sturgeon
~Your Benson High School Counseling Staff~

Olivia Sturgeon
9-12 Academic Advisor/Registrar
Kristy Reynolds, BS
9-12 Counselor
ADA Compliance Errors0

Benson High School


BENSON, AZ 85602

(520) 720-6710
Benson Unified School District does not discriminate in admission or access to, or treatment or employment in its educational programs or activities on the basis of race, color, age, gender, gender identity or expression, religion, creed, national origin, marital status, sexual orientation, disability, veteran status or genetic information. The District also provides equal access to its facilities to the Boys Scouts and other designated youth groups, as required by the Boys Scouts of America Equal Access Act. Inquiries or complaints concerning Title VI, VII, IX, Section 504, and Americans with Disabilities Act may be referred to the BUSD Title IX and Section 504 Compliance Officer: Micah Mortensen, 360 S. Patagonia St., Benson, AZ 85602;; (520) 720-6731.
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